Thursday, 9 September 2010

Life Walk

Our annual life walk is coming up, members and hopefully we will get the great weather we normally do. It shall be a walk to and around Rouken Glen Park on Wednesday 29th September.

Please attend the weekly meetings in RE 3 for updates, permission slips and sponsor forms.


Thursday, 26 August 2010

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a good summer and are now settled back at school.

Our weekly meetings are resuming on Friday 27th August at 12.30 in RE 3.

Al are welcome.


Friday, 12 March 2010

Coffee Morning!

To raise more funds, we are holding a coffee morning for staff at break on 23rd April in the Staff Room. The tickets cost £2.50 each. This will include tea/coffee and as many cakes and biscuits as you can eat. Afterwards, we will hold a stall at lunchtime with leftovers of the morning.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

The Life Mass!

Our recent Life Mass was very successful and we are happy to have had such a great turnout. We presented Life Scotland with 5 layettes to give to needy mothers and their babies across Scotland. Priests within the diocese came to celebrate Mass in the Oratory with us. Thank you for your generous support at Christmastime. Your contributions have now been handed out to Life Scotland as part of our layettes. Thanks again, The Life group.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone!
We hope you had a good break.
Our recent sponsored walk raised a brilliant £581 which we shall use to provide layettes to give to LIFE Scotland.
We have an upcoming Life Mass at St Ninians High School. This will take place on 10th February in the Oratory in the school. Details of times will follow soon!